Book Clubbers:
trBCQ Newsletter

First things first...this is a completely FREE newsletter for you!  The only thing we gain is the pleasure of knowing you are reading what we have to share each month.

Second, we will use your email address for this purpose ONLY, and nothing else.  Hey, we're just regular gals who are totally anti-spam!

Now, let's get to the good stuff -- what's in it for YOU??

Once a month Book Suggestion for your club!


  • Book Title & Author;
  • A crown-star rating;
  • 3-5 Discussion Questions specific to the book;
  • A little tidbit about the book to spice up your meeting.

As a member of a real-time book club, I would LOVE to get an email like this monthly. I would take the resources provided, and plan my month to choose the book around them.  A guarantee for a successful meeting!

Signing up is simple and fast...

Don't forget -- once you sign up you will have access to ALL back issues which include the amazing Life Between My Pages author feature series.

All signed up?  Return to our home page to continue your book club journey!

A little side history...

The Real Book Club Queen is dedicated to bringing you the best book information on the web. In our quest to do just that, we stumbled upon a really neat idea a few years ago which quickly turned into what you now know as our newsletter special, Life Between My Pages.  We ADORED we had the privilege of working with during this series, and hope you will read through their stories.  It's worth your time!

How do you get it?  Well, just sign up for the newsletter below, and you'll have access to ALL back issues!

Are you an Author?

You are always welcome to send us a copy of your book for potential inclusion in our newsletter.  We don't guarantee your book will be suggested, but we will certainly read it and provide feedback!

Contact us here for mailing address.